1956 | born in Bautzen/Saxony/Germany | |
1962 - 1974 | schoolboy, glider pilot, guitar player | |
1974 - 1980 | study of physics, diploma | |
1980 - 1983 | work in Office of Weights and Measures, Zwickau, Germany | |
1983 - 1988 | teaching job in Leipzig, Germany | |
1988 | member of the artist union VBK - GDR, later BUND BILDENDER KÜNSTLER LEIPZIG e.V. |
since 1988 | freelance artist, numerous exhibitions at home and abroad | |
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Fields of work: |
Objects, installations, photography, digital media, public art, exhibition organization, theater |
Personal and group exhibitions (selection) |
2010 | FERCHAU KUNSTPREIS, Museum of Technology, Berlin | |
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DIE DINGE DES LEBENS, Art Gallery of the Savings Bank, Leipzig | |
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ALLA GLORIA MILITAR, Air Craft Gallery, Bratislava | |
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KUNSTSOMMER WIESBADEN, Nerotalpark, Wiesbaden | |
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MAKYBURA - QUARTETT, ean-Symposium, Oslip, Austria | |
2011 | HIMMELSSTÜRMER , Church St.Andreas and Torhaus-Gallery, Braunschweig | |
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LOVE FOR SALE, Via Regia Sculptura, open space Leipzig | |
2012 | UNTERWEGS, 19. Leipziger Jahresausstellung, Westwerk, Leipzig | |
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NATURE IS BREATHING, Yatoo-i international nature art project exhibtion, Romania | |
2015 | DAS WORT WIRD KÖRPER, Gallery Forum Amalienpark, Berlin | |
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DIE ZEIT DRÄNGT, New Saxon Gallery, Chemnitz | |
2016 | GEUMGANG NATURE ART BIENNALE, Video-Exhibition: WATER, Kong-Ju, South Korea | |
2018 | VIDEO KILLS THE STRINGQUARTETT, Mendelssohn-Haus Leipzig, Cinema Weltecho Chemnitz | |
2020 | VOILÀ, 30 years BBKLeipzig e.V., Werkschauhalle, Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei | |
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DE RERUM NATURA - ÜBER DIE DINGE DER NATUR, Forum for Art, Heidelberg, 4D-Project-Space, Leipzig |
2021 | MOBY DICK - THE MOVIE, RAY ZWIEBACK movie, Schaubühne Lindenfels Leipzig | |
2022 | THE MOSS BIRDS FROM THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN, RAY ZWIEBACK movie, Schaubühne Lindenfels Leipzig |
. | LUX, Leipziger Jahresausstellung 2022, Factory exhibition hall, Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei to the exhibit | |